
Influence of Confucianism on Economic Development Against South Korea

By Meisarah Marsa, S.Sos - Januari 21, 2014

Influence of Confucianism on Economic Development Against South Korea

Confucianism is a philosophy of moral teachings that have been ingrained in public life in South Korea. There are 5 moral values ​​embodied in Confucianism: ren (benevolence), yi (righteousness), li (propriety), zhi (wisdom), and xin (faithfulness) (Wenhuai Chai Yuan and Xu, 2006: 368). The Confucian elements affects lifestyle and mindset of the people of South Korea.
Today, Confucianism is no longer the confidence of the majority. This is due to the diversity of Korean public trust. However, the principal values ​​of Confucianism is still a strong influence in the hierarchy system, organization, administration, and economics to the present, despite the influence of the other faith values such as Protestantism and Catholicism brought by Western capitalism etc. Particularly in the economic field, Confucianism contributes greatly to the advancement of the industry, thought patterns, and economic development of South Korean society. Due to Confucian respect for education, honesty, ethics and morality, loyalty, and truth (Kwon, 2002: 56).
Contribution of Confucianism to the progress of South Korea economy can be seen from several aspects:
1.      Education aspect
Education is an important point for the people of South Korea. In fact, Korean people are willing to sacrifice their wealth for the sake of education. They regarded it as an investment for the progress. Curriculum and hours of education continues to be improved. There is a life motto South Korean society that affects their morale in achieving education is "When others are sleeping, you have to get up. When people wake up, you have to walk. When others walk, you have to run and when everyone else is running, you have to fly". This makes the quality of human resources in South Korea is very good.
2.      Loyalty and persistence aspect
Korean people do sacrifice themselves for the sake of improving the family and state welfare. They are diligent and disciplined. Principle 'Inhwa' makes Korean people remain faithful to the family, state, and enterprises. In that case, South Korean society implements the five principles in maintaining loyalty that are :  the relationship between father and child, the relationship between the older brother and younger brother, the relationship between husband and wife, the relationship between friends that younger age with the older, the relationship between the king (ruler) and his people.
3.      Morality aspect
South Korean society continue to provide added value to customers by always doing continuous innovation. They are very hardworking and respect for others. That is what makes Korean society has a passion for developing.
The principles of Confucianism  affects the people of South Korea. They have highly qualified  especially towards economic progress. This can be seen by the increasing role of civil society to take part in the economic and social sectors. The role of civil society gives positive impact on economic growth, such as opening market to foreign investment by South Korean . So, in the 1960s, South Korea is able to join the Newly industrialized economies (NIEs) as one of the countries that have a high economic surge in the short period. The methods of an export-oriented policy is one of the important factors of this economic rise too. During the administration of President Park Chung-Hee, improved economic policy through the export sector was by increased the role of corporate and civil society of south korea.
So, with a superior work ethic, quality of human resources, and good government policy by using the principles of Confucianism on the economy of South Korea increased dramatically until now. In addition, South Korean society also cares about the country, they buy the products of their country.

After analyzing the factors behind the economic rise of South Korea, we can conclude that the traditional values of Confucianism were present largely through the Korean companies and in the personalities of Koreans. Confucianism permeated throughout Korea and impacted the minds and the societal structure of Koreans. Bringing about a sense of loyalty and kinship, these relational characteristics created cohesiveness, catalyst, and a superhuman ambition for success. And then, the new Confucian ethics fused with the capitalistic system of Protestant and Catholic ethics and the intense ambition of a nation's success of Confucianism, Became the cause behind the success of South Korea.

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